
English had been a trend since British times, LKY merely continued it

"I refer to the 6 Sept 2011 Straits Times report of your comments on Singapore’s bilingualism. You said you got Singapore to go for English as first language because that connected us to the world, to modern sciences, to commerce and made Singapore what it is.

The Germans, Swiss, Japanese, Taiwanese, Koreans, Chinese and Hong Kongers do not go for English as their first language. But that did not prevent them from getting connected to the world, to modern sciences and to commerce or prevent them from becoming what they are today. There is no evidence that mastering English as a first language was key to our prosperity.

Many Singaporeans credit you with the foresight for recognising English’s economic value and for promoting its use in Singapore. What is less commonly known is that English’s ascent to its preeminent position today in Singapore began long before you came to power.

"Quite clearly, many people already understood the usefulness of English long before you came along. Given such evidence, we should not go away with the idea that the promotion of English was your wisdom and foresight alone. You merely continued with a trend that began after the Second World War, albeit more ruthlessly perhaps."

Extracted from: Mr Lee on…











不久前,我读到一篇描写抗日战争时期,关于中国西南联合大学的文章。在那战火纷飞的日子里,西南联大的老师们,住的是用布帘隔开的房子,学生是在茅屋里上 课,到图书馆学习也得排队。就在这种简陋的条件下,西南联大培养了无数抗战勇士和学有专长的人才,包括后来获得诺贝尔物理学奖的杨振宁和李政道。

南洋大学的创办,正如陈六使先生所说的,是结合了‘三百多万华人的胆’,凝聚了‘三百多万华人的志’。这可从千千万万各阶层人民,为南大义捐义卖、 义踏义驶、义演义唱等等活动中得到印证。南大开幕当天,校园人山人海,整条裕廊路车水马龙,连英国驻新加坡总督顾德爵士的车队,也迟了两个多小时才能到达 开幕仪式现场。

南大的服务对象,是整个东南亚社会,不分种族。它致力于各民族文化的交流。陈六使先生不只大笔捐献南大,也捐助马来亚大学和东南亚的其他学府,南大 除了中文系之外,也开设现代语言系和马来文系。然而,就在南大埋头苦干力求发展的时刻,却遭受新加坡李光耀政权一波又一波的打击。曾经在殖民地时代,为新 加坡人民争取公民权的陈六使先生,本身的公民权,也被李光耀政权剥夺了。最终,南洋大学也在1980年被关闭。当时,我还在监牢里。有一天,内政部官员来 问话,要我谈对南大与新大合并的看法。我冷冷地回了一句:‘人民不会忘记,是谁消灭了南大’之后,就再也不说一句话。他看无法追问下去,只好作罢。




The spirit that LKY does not want

This year, a former member of the Singapore Parliament, also the longest-serving political prisoner in the world, Dr Chia Thye Poh, received the Lim Lian Geok Spirit Award.

The reason for his winning is upholding of his belief on democracy without any comprise and never losing his faith under 32 years of unjust detention without trial. An exemplary of the spirit of Nanyang University.


Above is his speech at the award ceremony in video, and below, his speech in English text.

Speech by Chia Thye Poh at LLG-Spirit Award Ceremony
18 December 2011

Honourable Chairman, Dear Friends:

First, I would like to thank the LLG Cultural Development Centre for giving me the Lim Lian Geok Spirit Award this year.

In my life, I benefited a lot from mother-tongue education and Nanyang University, but have given back very little. Compared to those who have tirelessly worked for the mother-tongue education and Nantah, my contribution is indeed nothing. So, the honour of this award should go to all of them.

A university is not an ivory tower. Modern facilities alone do not constitute a good university. What matters is its spirit, its capacity in bringing up graduates that empathize with the people and work for the progress of mankind and world peace.

Not long ago, I came across an article about the National Southwest Associated University of China during the Resistance War against Japanese Invasion. In those difficult years, the lodgings for teaching staff were partitioned only by cloth-curtains, classes were conducted in thatched cottages, and students had to queue up for a seat in the library. Yet, the Southwest Associated University brought up not only courageous fighters against the Japanese aggressors, but also talented professionals including Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao, who later won the Nobel Prize in Physics.

The establishment of Nanyang University was, as described by Mr. Tan Lark Sye, the crystalization of the wish and courage of ‘over 3 million Chinese’ in Southeast Asia. This can be seen from the support and donation given to Nantah from all walks of life including millionaires, labourers, taxi and pedicab drivers, hawkers and artistes, etc. On the inauguration day of the university, tens of thousands of people thronged to the campus. The whole Jurong Road was a long queue of vehicles, and the motorcade of Singapore Governor Sir William Goode was delayed for more than two hours before reaching the inauguration ceremony. The purpose of establishing Nantah was to serve the society of Southeast Asia, irrespective of races. It promoted inter-cultural exchanges. Besides donating huge sum of money to Nantah, Mr. Tan Lark Sye also donated to University of Malaya and other institutes in Southeast Asia. In Nantah, there were Department of Chinese Language, Department of Modern Languages, and also Department of Malay Language. However, while Nantah was working hard to develop itself, it suffered blow after blow of attacks from the Singapore Lee Kuan Yew Administration. Mr. Tan Lark Sye, who had fought for the citizenship of Singaporeans during the colonial era, was himself deprived of citizenship by the Lee Kuan Yew Administration. In 1980, Nantah was closed. At that time, I was still in prison. One day, an official from the Singapore Home Affairs Ministry came to interrogate me. He wanted my opinion on the merger of Nantah with Singapore University. I gave a cold answer: ‘The people will never forget who closed down Nantah.’ After that, I refused to say anything more. He was unable to pursue the matter further, and the interrogation was called off.

Just as Mr. Lim Lian Geok had said, his body might be destroyed, yet his spirit would survive and flourish. Today, Nantah no longer exists, but it will always live in the heart of the people. The Spirit of Nantah has already spread and can never be stamped out. It will always inspire us to overcome all difficulties and march on.

Thank you.

Source: http://www.llgcultural.com/

LKY on the values and virtues of the old schools

Lee Kuan Yew on...


'In 1955, I contested the General Election as a candidate for the Tanjong Pagar constituency. My opponent challenged me to a debate in Mandarin. I naturally refused to debate with him in a language I was completely unable to speak. His intention was to show my ignorance of the language to the majority of the people who were dialect and Mandarin-speaking. There were then few English speakers. I started learning Mandarin but discovered that it was spoken by only a small proportion of those who have gone to Chinese schools, but who often switched back to dialect when they leave their Chinese schools. The most understood language for the majority of Chinese back then was Hokkien. So I started to learn Hokkien. For more than 20 years I spoke Hokkien.'


'I had a high regard for the discipline and seriousness of purpose in life Chinese school students displayed compared to English school students. One of my most unforgettable memories was when the Chinese High School was having a sit-in led by my left wing pro-communist activists in October 1956 to protest the arrests of student leaders and closure of Chinese High School and Chung Cheng High School. The Chinese school students camped inside the school. After watching this drama of the sit-in at Chinese High School, I passed by the University of Singapore's student hostels on Dunearn Road, just around the corner from Chinese High. The contrast was stark. I could see the students - the English-educated students - enjoying themselves. They were laughing and blowing whistles, regarding the clash between the Chinese students and the police as a big joke. I thought to myself that if Singapore students all turned out like those in the university hostel, Singapore would fail. I vowed then to change this state of affairs.

This was why I decided to save the good Chinese language schools as Chinese schools switched into English as the main medium of instruction. The Chinese schools taught students to be bilingual, disciplined, and have self-confidence. The best Chinese schools thus became Special Assistance Programme schools. Over time, the English language schools like Raffles Institution, Victoria School and others have also become effective in teaching Chinese to its students. We have unified the system but in the process, also preserved some of the values and virtues of the old Chinese school system.'

From: Mr Lee Kuan Yew launches fund to boost bilingualism (Nov 29, 2011)

Detractors would disagree that LKY 'saved' the Chinese schools but not 'destroyed' them.

We have "preserved SOME of the values and virtues of the old Chinese school system", says LKY. Then may I ask, which values and virtues? The 'virtues' of blind loyalty and respect to authority, of sucking up to power, or of conservatism? Where have gone the spirit of those schools, in fighting, amongst other things, for justice and equality? Only people like veteran opposition leader, Mr Low Thia Khiang can proudly say they have carried forward the "Spirit of Nantah" and by extension, the values and virtues of the defunct Chinese schools.

What 'Chinese school spirit' to talk about in LKY's 'SAP school' (or any other school) today? Maybe only to a small extent, but definitely nowhere near deserving, as a whole, of pride in that spirit.

Of course LKY does not like the Chinese school spirit which does not shy away from necessary conflict with authority. But neither does he like, apparently, the "laid-back" attitude of the English school students, those quoted by him, above. Too unpatriotic and unconcerned, I suppose. But look at how apathetic and unpatriotic we are today and tell me just how successful LKY had been? Or more seriously, if apathy were an intentional product, how true he is, to his words?

What LKY did do, is make everyone, regardless of ethnic background, adopt the 'unique Singaporean spirit' of materialism, kiasu-ism, sinkie-ism, daftness, blind obedience, mentality abnormality -- albeit with variations among different "segregated classes" (again thanks to the regime) like the elite schools, neighbourhood schools, etc. -- especially in the 60.1%.




英文全文:http://newasiarepublic.com/?p=35277 (SMRT事件中的种族主义插曲)

"Clearly any past branding of Chinese Singaporean according to race, language or education background is over-generalising if not outright prejudiced. Our history should not be seen as an endless cycle of people from different ethnic or language backgrounds taking turns to oppress one another.

"It is high time for all sides to take a step back. Politicians and public intellectuals in Singapore on their parts need to stop thinking of netizens as a mob that is prone to being manipulated, stop characterising them as anti-PAP, anti-establishment and so on, for any such branding of people as being emotional and irrational is also dehumanising and not helpful."









作者:龙应台 日期:1994-10-10 来源:《中国时报》




新加坡外长的话有什么不对吗? 表面上没有不对。欧洲的文化输出当然不仅只是冷战后的几年;对中国而言,应该说已有一百五十年的历史,如果我们从鸦片战争算起。风水轮流转,欧洲人向别国学习,也是时候了。令我不舒服的是,最近新加坡政府频频与西方对话,口气中俨然以亚洲的代言人自居。开口就是 “我们亚洲人的价值怎么样怎么样…”西方的媒体竟然也跟着说 “他们亚洲人的价值怎么样怎么…”两造一唱一和,好像新加坡代表了亚洲,新加坡的文化价值就是整个亚洲的文化价值。


鞭打美国人的案件刚过去,新加坡在9月吊死了一个贩毒的荷兰人。已经废除死刑的欧洲人议论纷纷。我并不特别同情这个荷兰人—— 他知法犯法,而且,新加坡没有理由因为他是欧洲人而对他法外开恩。但是,新加坡政府没有傲慢的权利——至少,它没有资格代表我这个台湾人,而我可是个道地的亚洲人。





新加坡人当然有充分权利依照他们的价值准则去过日子——什么样的人民有什么样的政府。但是拜托,下次再有什么西方人被打被吊的,说 “ 我们新加坡人如何如何?’吧! 不要把我这一类不可救药的讲究个人尊严与自由的 “亚洲人” 包括进去。


From: 新加坡文献馆 http://www.sginsight.com/xjp/index.php?id=617

10. 前言 :慎思明辨

作者:龙应台 日期:1994-10-24

我在《中国时报》的短文《还好我不是新加坡人》(1994年10月10日),经由狮城的(联合早报》 转载后,好像一枚引发的炸弹。《亚洲周刊》说,那篇文章“似乎触到新加坡人敏感的神经,引起强烈反应” 。新加坡专栏作家刘培芳说, “龙应台变成新加坡芸芸众生的公敌” 。

在我的文章“出事” 的同时,客座于新加坡大学的美国教授林格尔,因为在《国际论坛先锋报》上批评了新加坡的司法制度,惹得警察上门来,讯问了九十分钟。林格尔立刻辞职回美,事后对媒体说,他不敢留在新加坡,怕被逮捕。

林格尔所引起的可以说是新加坡的官方反应,我的文章所刺激的,却显然是新加坡的“芸芸众生”,民间反应。其反应之激烈,据 《亚洲周刊》的观察,似乎是有史以来第一次。反应激烈自有其原因。外国媒体上以英文写成的批评新加坡的文章并不少,而且常被新加坡的英文报纸《海峡时报》转载,所以新加坡的英文读者对逆耳的英文评论并不陌生。

华文读者却没有这个经验,就如专栏作家刘葱霞指出的,“以华文书写的外国评论而在(新加坡)本国报章上发表的,龙女士倒算是第一个人 ”。本来就不习惯看见以华文写成的批评文字,更何况一出现就是像 《还好我不是新加坡人》 那样尖锐锋利的文字风格,新加坡读者猛然觉得受不了,是很可以理解的。

新加坡人对我的批评的反应,让我想起十年前 “野火” 时代的台湾。他们受刺激的程度有相似之处,可是彼此之问有一个重大的不同。 “野火” 前的台湾人对当时政治现状之不满已经几乎到饱和状态,只是还欠缺最后一股勇气把天掀掉。我得到的沸腾的反应中,各种看法、各种声音都有,从极左到极右。



两个解释可以同时存在,并不彼此矛盾。我因而特别为新加坡人写了《我很小,可是我不怕? 》 这篇文章,刊在 《联合早报》。 想说的是,何必对我生气? 该讨论的是议题本身。对新加坡而言,重要的不是我这个外人的批评,重要的是这些议题得到新加坡自己知识分子之问的慎思与明辨。

1991年访新加坡,当地华人知识分子的困境、苦闷,和他们对中华文化与语言的情深执著, 都令我感动。不是为了他们,这些文章我根本不会去写。


许多中国大陆和台湾的知识分子带着他们本身并不自觉的中华主流文化优越感来到东南亚,然后发现,东南亚的华人极不欣赏他们的优越感。我是前者之一,到了新加坡和马来西亚之后,才学到教训:他们是新加坡人、马来西亚人,不是需要你“宣慰”和“照顾”的 “华侨”。


在提笔写《还好我不是新加坡人》时,我曾经停笔思索:是不是用辞要客气些,婉转些? 然而转念一想,我在批评中国人时,并不曾想到要客气、婉转,为什么对新加坡人要有不同的标准?我必须假定新加坡人和中国人一样,禁得起尖锐的批评。在华文的大世界里,我们是平等的。


问题应该倒过来 :谁没有资格批评新加坡? 文化批评像作文比赛,只问谁写得好,不问谁有什么资格。我可以用德文批评德国,用英文批评美国,用华文批评中国、新加坡。重要的是我批评了什么,而不是我是什么。


这个政府有许多做法是我这个个人所不能苟同的,所以我要求它不要概括地以 “亚洲人 ” 代表自居。它有充分的权利代表新加坡人,但它不能忽视与它价值观相左、无法由它收编的不同的亚洲人的存在。

当然不是由于新加坡小,就说它没有权利代表亚洲。 如果由中国的总理或者日本的首相来对西方说, “我们亚洲人如何如何…”恐怕是一件更严重的事情。当亚洲人自己将自己单一化、集体化的时候,我们同时加强了欧洲人对亚洲的传统偏见;“亚洲人站着都能睡觉”,“亚洲人能吃任何苦”,“亚洲人不重视人命”,“亚洲人不懂得个人隐私”…



更奇怪的是,对《还好》的反应是百分之百一面倒的 “护国之声’ 。 我的问题是:没有不同的声音吗? 或者,不同的声音出不来?


——“欧洲人注重自由与个人人权,亚洲人强调和谐与集体利益。”这是不是一个盖棺论定的真相? 谁盖的棺? 谁定的论? 符合谁的利益的真相?

——即使真的盖棺论定,它应该是、必须是新加坡人(或亚洲人)继续追求的前景吗? 为什么应该是、必须是? 为什么不应该是、不必须是?

—— 文化的诠释权操在谁的手里? 应该操在谁的手里? 不应该操在谁的手里?


—— 自由与安全是否绝对矛盾?

——在西方与新加坡的频发争执的表面底下,究竟流动着什么较深层的因素? 国家主权与文化冲突是否足以解释一切?
Lingle(林格尔)的事件与我的文章所引起的风波几乎发生在同时(我可是在今天,10月24日,才看见Lingle的文章),我所看到的典型新加坡反应是:“我很小,可是我不怕。”多几个人聚在一起,大声多说几次 “我很小,可是我不怕” ,敌忾同仇的激情就要出来了,激情掩盖了真正的题目,也淹没了真诚但是冷静的讨论。

如 The Straits Times (《海峡时报》)所说的,新加坡可以没有我这种台湾人,我同意;但是, 新加坡可以没有诚实的知识分子,对自己作真诚、冷静、尖锐的讨论吗?

资料来源:新加坡文献馆 Taken from: http://www.sginsight.com/xjp/index.php?id=617


History of Singapore 新加坡的历史: MP Chia Thye Poh's words... 谢太保议员的名言...



















